All children naturally possess a curiosity about the world around them. With a S.T.E.M. focused design process, children can build from their imagination.
LEGO® provides a fun and engaging way to harness the creative mind of children. With an experienced instructor guiding their imagination leads to their own creations:
Enamored by the stars? Build a galaxy exploring spaceship!
Is the sea more your calling? An ultra fast speedboat it is!
If you can think it, you can build it! My classes will help your child explore fundamental S.T.E.M. concepts as a part of a fun, engaging environment in which you learn as you play. Best of all their imagination is encouraged and nurtured in this environment. There are no mistakes, only early prototypes!
Why use the LEGO® platform to teach enrichment STEM classes?
It allows us to focus on Fun first! Children want to explore, build, and create. And when they see their imagination take shape, the possibilities to learn are unlimited.